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Dr. Doresa A. Jennings


As Dr. Jennings searched for middle grade books to buy for her three prolific readers, she stumbled across a harsh reality, less than 10% of all children’s books had Black characters (African as well as African American). Further research showed that of those books that did have Black characters, only 1/3 were written by Black writers. Rather than simply sit back and vent, Dr. Jennings decided to do something to address this gap in middle grade fiction. Her critically acclaimed debut novel, The STEAM Chasers: We Made That started her on this fascinating journey of being a middle grade author.

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The Jennings Crew

Project team

While Dr. Jennings writes, her husband, Keelan Jennings, often busy working on filming and editing videos, taking pictures, and designing much of the STEAM Chasers merchandise. Her children, Javon, Jordan, and Makaila serve as her first (and most harsh) beta readers. They also work product tables and help with marketing.