Zoom School Visit with Books!

Dr. Doresa Jennings picture STEAM.png
Dr. Doresa Jennings picture STEAM.png
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Zoom School Visit with Books!

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Is your school meeting digitally this school year? Have field trips been canceled for the year? That doesn’t mean there can’t be exciting journeys for your students! In this Zoom session, Dr. Jennings will take your students on an exciting journey with the STEAM Chasers. In this Zoom session, your students will have an author meet-and-greet that they won’t forget. To prepare the experience to be the best fit for your students, Dr. Jennings will do an up to thirty-minute pre-call via phone or Zoom with you, the teacher, to get to know your class ahead and ensure the visit will meet your expectations and learning goals for your students. The actual Zoom session will include a secure Zoom experience with private links for each student. The meeting will be password protected to ensure it is safe for students of any age. The exciting part of this visit is that up to thirty-students will be provided with a signed STEAM Chasers book and cool STEAM Chasers merch as well! Packages can be sent to the school, the teacher, or directly to students with parent permission! Feel free to write for more information before purchasing: Writerinbox@doresaayanna.com